I’ve been expecting this to happen considering the rate at which WhatsApp is growing by the day. You can now reach MTN customer care on WhatsApp instead of dialing 180 and waiting endlessly for CC to pick up, you can simple chat them up and in minutes your need will be attended to.
I think they are actually the first TELCO to have customer care services on WhatsApp. And some of the issues to be attend to on MTN WhatsApp includes Education on products & services, Customer complaints, Inquiries among others.
The following are the 5 (five) MTN Dedicated WhatsApp Number to add:
» 09033000001
» 09033000002
» 09033000003
» 09033000004
» 09033000005
This is a good move but we need lay more emphasis on MTN giving us cheaper data plan. This is my number one complain.
UC browser is one of the fastest browsers out there when it comes to downloading, and now the Alibaba owned UCweb has launched a file transferring app dubbed UC share. The app is said to be to take as little as 0.2 seconds to transfer an image, one second to transfer a song, and up to 22 seconds to transfer a complete movie. It is also claimed to come with an average file transfer speed of 5MB per second. Just like other file transferring app like Xender , Share it etc… the UCshare allow you to share not just music, video, or image files but also apps and other files. The app doesn’t require a high-speed data connection to transfer files and includes a Bluetooth sharing option to provide file transfer support for a wide range of devices. You can use the UC share app as a file manager; view the files that exist on your devices. Not just that but it also comes with an option to generate a QR code to offer an easy sharing between two devices. Wh...
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